A range of Napoleonic wargame figures designed to be compatible with Hinton Hunt figures - (22mm from bottom of foot to eye level)
Commissioned by Ron Marshall for personal use and as a labour of love although made available to others at near cost price to help defray costs of the limited runs.
Designed and sculptured by Andy Stadden (son of the renowned Charles Stadden)

Austria - Hussars

click on an image to view a larger version
ANC201 Trooper with sword on shoulder (Horse 01)

ANC202 Trooper charging (Horse 07) - separate arm

ANC203 Officer charging (Horse 07) - Horse slightly animated

ANC204 Trumpeter charging (Horse 07)

ANC205 Standard Bearer charging (Horse 07)- Note Standard comes separate for user assembly as required

Mounted figures are sold with the horse of your choice - £2.25 / US$3.40 (i.e. one rider and one horse)

Order by email for total price including shipping and insurance if required at cost. Please supply your address for shipping

Order from my Email address lazylimey@hotmail.com which is also at bottom left of this page - (Contact Me)

I accept PayPal payable to same email address lazylimey@hotmail.com

Pricing reflects the relatively short production runs and smaller market versus costs.

See various figure images in previous posts and separate pages.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ron,
    I am considering to buy the hussars, but the price is quite high. They are well done with nice animation and poses.
    A pity that few people collect figures in 1/72 scale these days, since they are in my view the perfect compromise between detail and size. Since there are so many plastics in this scale, i also believe that the diversity of poses and regiments is the biggest in this scale, plus countless conversion possibilities. Perhaps collectors will see that advantage again in the future. I have 17.000 painted Napoleonics in this scale and am definitely sticking to it. All the best,


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